Wishing there was an adult version of this playground #ImportanceofPlay

Taken at Hester Street Playground

Wishing there was an adult version of this playground #ImportanceofPlay

Taken at Hester Street Playground

Yes to immersive 3d & stroboscopic films in a dome http://bit.ly/HSsDnJ

Taken at SATosphère

Take 2: Nice interactive visualization of connected TV shows. Of course @TheDailyShow clusters w @ColbertReport…but Manswers? #ARNY

Taken at AT&T AdWorks

Nice interactive visualization of connected TV shows. Of course @TheDailyShow clusters w @ColbertReport…but Manswers?

Taken at AT&T AdWorks

Nice interactive visualization of connected TV shows. Of course @TheDailyShow clusters w @ColbertReport…but Manswers?

Taken at AT&T AdWorks

Stretching takes on new meaning in aerial yoga #HangingUpsideDownWins

Taken at Sacred Sounds Yoga

Stretching takes on new meaning in aerial yoga #HangingUpsideDownWins

Taken at Sacred Sounds Yoga

Stretching takes on new meaning in aerial yoga #HangingUpsideDownWins

Taken at Sacred Sounds Yoga

Stretching takes on new meaning in aerial yoga #HangingUpsideDownWins

Taken at Sacred Sounds Yoga