Simple, excellent solutions: an ambulance bike for Uganda & shoes weaved fr plastic bags &

Taken at ITP Winter Show 2011 

Laser-etched gingerbread house in the making

Taken at Alpha One Labs

Watching you watching me #surveillance

Taken at MTA Subway – Wall St (2/3)

#cloudporn & a hint of #bluesky reflection over Lake Champlain

Cocktails & catching up under the wine glass chandelier

Taken at Pullman

Stopped by New School Study Ctr/90 5th Ave & moved by the teach-ins going on @ #OccupyNewSchool #OWS

Taken at The New School Study Center

Secret cache of snow in Central Park (courtesy of the zamboni & ice rink next door)

Taken at Central Park – Lasker Rink

At my fave Filipino resto (Thai-Filipino fusion deliciousness) w @jeuxjeux @MickDarling & Roland. El Dorade abt to be devoured

Taken at Kuma Inn

Jazz @ Lenox Lounge on Jeremy’s bday (note the bassist playing tambourine w his foot) #Harlem

Taken at Lenox Lounge

Lorcan @Theatre80 bar made a delicious digestif of absinthe (properly dripped) & Irish cream, called a pooka

Taken at William Barnacle