So-Called Utopia was a collection of spoken word and dance pieces which dealt with the conflict of Asian-American family expectations and closeness, choreographed and written by Josephine Dorado, and presented at the Off Center Theater (now the Shimberg Playhouse at the Straz Center for the Performing Arts) as part of the Florida Dance Festival ’96 and Bending Minds with Spoons Festival, and later re-staged as Breaking Yolks & Blowing Utopia at the Orlando Fringe Festival. In an article in the Tampa Tribune, Joanne Milani mentioned,
“Dorado has been a member of the Off Center Theater’s Performance Art Collective. This is a group of local artists who perfect their skills in performance art, an interdisciplinary melange of dance, visual art, video, poetry, theater and music.
‘Josephine has fulfilled one of the reasons I formed the collective three years ago. I wanted to cultivate local performance artists who could be competitive nationally, ‘ says Off Center director Wendy Leigh. ‘I see in Josephine’s work the influences of dancer Celeste Miller and the humor of John McGivern and Robert Post.’ “